I'm currently working on a project to visualize some climate data, among the datasets I'm using is the data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project.
Now, this data comes in a regular (non-gaussian) grid of a resolution of 144 by 73 and spans longitudes 0° to 357.5° East. This results in qgis displaying the following:
Where the colored data should span the entire globe but instead spans from 0°S to 73°S and from 0°E to 144°E
The data is in NetCDF (.nc) format
How do I go about 'fixing' this data to properly cover the real coordinates? I've tried georeferencing the file but QGIS is unable to write an output file (probably due to the multiple levels of data the file has).
PS: I'm working with the WGS 84 CRS