I have three shapefiles: park, residential parcel, and participants of a survey (single Point shapefile with 100 dots).
I want to find a ratio of area (park/residential parcel) within 1 and 0.5 mile buffer of the applicants. I have total applicants of about 100.
What are the steps that I need to follow to perform this work in ArcMap?
So far I created 1 and 0.5 mile buffer around the applicants and clipped the park area and parcel areas with the buffer shapefile.
What should I do next so that I can find the ratio of area used by each applicants?
I am using ArcMap 10.2.2. Is it possible through ArcMap?
In the figure, two red dots are my applicants, the blue colored polygons are clipped parks within 1 mile buffer of those two applicants, and light apple green color is parcels clipped within those buffer. Now i need a ratio of area between those blue color to light apple green color within each buffer.