Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to adjust a set of observed input features according to a spatial transform defined by a set of control vectors. This transformer computes an affine (scale, rotation, and offset) transformation based on Control vector features and applies this transformation to the Observed features to generate output, and produces good corrections when the entire set of Observed data requires a single transformation.
Each Control feature represents a control vector whose start point is
at some location in the original Observed data space, and whose end
point is at the corresponding location in the desired output data
space. The control vector represents the correction required to go
from the observed vertex to the desired vertex. (Control vectors with
only one point are interpreted as a requirement that this location not
change from the observed dataset to the reference dataset. This is
often referred to as a tie point.)
Also see
Performs an affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature.
An affine transformation preserves lines and parallelism in geometry.
That is, any lines that were parallel before the transformation are
parallel after the transformation. In addition, if a number of points
falling on a straight line are transformed, the resulting coordinates
will fall on a straight line in the new coordinate system.
Affine transformations include translations, rotations, scalings, and
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