I'm having trouble setting the color of a feature layer in ArcGIS api for javascript. I have a feature layer, which, on the load event I set its renderer's colorInfo and opacityInfo. Both work individually, but when I try to set a specific color, and set the opacity of the color together, the color reverts to a default color from the feature layer. I've searched the documentation and tried everything--not a lot of examples pertinent to simple stuff like this. It's like colorInfo and opacityInfo conflict with each other.
map = new Map("div",center, zoom, etc);
var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer("url",{
id: "id",
infoTemplate: esri.InfoTemplate({title: "${title}",content: "${content}"}),
visible: true
featureLayer.on("load", function(){
featureLayer.renderer.setColorInfo({field: 'my_field', colors: ['#mycolor']});
featureLayer.renderer.setOpacityInfo({opacityValues: [0.25]}); //removes mycolor and sets it to some weird default color
All I'm really trying to do is define a specific color and set its opacity. I've also tried using a SimpleRenderer, but this seems to conflict with a toggle menu I'm using, so trying to stick with the feature layers own renderer methods.