Weather Research Forcasting Model assumes a spherical earth model with a radius of 6370km. I'm looking to display the data onto the WGS-84 Ellipsoid model as that is the model my system uses for its simulations. We are looking to incorporate real-world changing weather so we are hoping to use WRF's output as we don't want to write our own weather simulator.
While I'm primarily concerned with the continental US I will eventually want to do this for the entire globe.
I've found information, most notably here: ... nd-datums/ That suggests that WPS and WRF may just be treating the WGS-84 information in the land-use data as spherical earth information and this suggest using the XLAT and XLONG output directly from WRF and putting it onto the WGS-84 Ellipsoid. This doesn't sound 100% correct however, and certainly wind information would need to be transformed slightly differently as well well some other information, in particular I would expect the geopotential height may need to be adjusted for the change in surface shape.
I know that to do transforms between Ellipsoids I'd need to use one of the Helmert, Molodensky-Badekas, or Molodensky methods. But it seems like I need reference points on both which I don't actually have for WRF. Has anyone done such a conversion before or could you provide some insight into the steps to take?