I had developed an application using cartodb.js which transforms a csv file uploaded in cartodb database to geometries in map. The application works fine when there are 230 columns in csv file and the upload is not success if i tried to import 309 columns into cartodb. Is there any other way to increase the column count or any alternate solutions?

1 Answer 1


CartoDB have a limit on the number of columns that can be contained inside a dataset. If you have more than 250 columns of data, you would need to structure the file in a different way in order to be able to generate a dataset in CartoDB.

You can find more information here.

  • Thanks for the response oriolbx. It was given that Maximum Columns per Table is 250 - 1600 depending on column types in the link you had mentioned. I would like to know what column types can be used in cartodb for more number of columns and also is there any option to increase the block size ?
    – User123
    Commented Feb 11, 2016 at 9:16

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