I have drawn a set of lines (corresponding to a network) in a shapefile. I would like to buffer them, but each line has a different buffer length, so I thought to do it with Python: for each branch, identified by a particular ID number, perform the buffer up to a certain distance that you can find in an attribute column.
To do so, I would like to use: Buffer_analysis {all_my_branches, a_new_defined_layer, an_attribute_column_inserted_in_the_shapefile}
I imported arcpy, I set as arcpy.env.workspace my shapefile, but when I ask for the list of feature classes I get the answer:
"function ListFeatureClasses at 0x1948B770"
So I guess I have no features in my shapefile. How can I therefore do to perform the buffer I want? Can it be done on a shapefile?
I am new to ArcGIS and Python.