Following on from my attempt to install a postgresql 9.1 db with postgis 2.0 on windows 7, I am trying to figure out how to load a raster. I have successfully loaded a shapefile, and am trying to do the same with a .tif
file using the Load Raster to PostGIS
plugin (version 0.5.1) in QGIS (version 1.7). I have set up the connection to my db, and am using the following settings:
When I click on the OK
button, I get the below error message. I've tried this with a .adf
file and also a .tif
file, both projected in Albert Equal Area Conic with an SRID of 102003.
Checking parameters...
Connecting to database...
Storing overview 1 on database...
Finished storing overview 1.
Storing overview 2 on database...
Finished storing overview 2.
Storing overview 3 on database...
Finished storing overview 3.
This process has not inserted anything into my database, and I don't understand the error message. Some previous related questions are here (asked by me, using a different process on loading rasters) and here (using the same plugin but much earlier in the year).