As this is a more GIS related question (and maybe solvable with ogr/gdal functions I'm not aware of), I try it here first, although working with R.
What I want to achieve: I have some data, based on that data I want to create Voronoi/Thiessen polygons, but within specific geographical margins (so basically just an intersection issue). This works and is not a problem.
However, when intersecting the SpatialPolygon
and change it to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
, I have only the geometry, but no data attached to it. When trying to attach the data, I get an error:
Object length mismatch:foo has 107 Polygons objects, but data has 92 rows
which is strange, as I used this data to create the polygons. The only thing I can come up with is that due to the intersection some polygons at the margins have been splitted in multiple parts (yet just a guess).
So here is some sample code to reproduce the problem (you can download the shp here). Most of the code is working, the issues arise only in the last comment section, so you may only pay attention to the last couple of lines:
# get data and projection
X <- c(579443.1,507821.9,527521.1,580656.9,462417.3,598714.2,528403.5,590470.2,621899.1,552101.1,579211.2,524459.0,622132.6,568279.1,551119.6,549101.4,626778.5,570531.6,498509.8,510324.2,501678.7,497111.0,566879.1,628653.7,558457.7,504368.8,482406.3,493979.3,591583.4,580834.5,579033.3,482417.6,594981.1,640817.4,583138.0,552565.4,480051.3,538693.4,595036.1,601637.4,587406.8,513506.1,511508.2,528562.7,508318.7,505132.4,560761.3,533665.2,569308.3,524761.9,538409.6,573477.6,618846.6,608033.6,601203.8,552204.2,515622.8,582403.8,493001.6,481086.7,563902.5,487437.6,626197.1,525136.5,510164.3,551818.6,486836.1,507096.5,556712.9,639675.3,553121.2,551446.2,568682.8,576450.7,490634.5,545741.7,503393.7,591073.8,561552.8,545749.3,524766.0,566276.8,578132.3,535480.5,610635.8,513964.5,520131.4,534375.5,568933.5,509446.1,475644.0,516545.3)
Y <- c(5324384,5413164,5302565,5268202,5320375,5308655,5399552,5279586,5400961,5315579,5347046,5314407,5338724,5314637,5364789,5405192,5387508,5279402,5401240,5370434,5315436,5380213,5303072,5356320,5320272,5426778,5309010,5285152,5256444,5300410,5380396,5292246,5271598,5326458,5388330,5310118,5382563,5296763,5351272,5397560,5334196,5300293,5301863,5372164,5394113,5300187,5379644,5352554,5337499,5340189,5396554,5298737,5381064,5319755,5372751,5290355,5293599,5286506,5337546,5330379,5338980,5304273,5334241,5381226,5356570,5333053,5402336,5374597,5411038,5348579,5294778,5374055,5325943,5270214,5316524,5335903,5324051,5359391,5327128,5380892,5320120,5273887,5356543,5308660,5361716,5400485,5405815,5417928,5264594,5330510,5324040,5383757)
Z <- c(339,590,924,681,495,233,568,419,214,1034,303,468,152,488,196,464,176,509,498,787,398,680,478,151,429,571,416,1492,736,811,236,495,685,145,237,524,919,751,232,183,318,1430,807,666,575,611,333,495,276,284,466,480,192,198,280,619,1076,361,486,401,244,402,149,554,904,298,539,586,451,145,601,217,855,870,634,285,338,170,583,429,469,1100,177,480,183,526,498,460,1743,263,343,595)
data <- data.frame(X,Y,Z)
data.xy <- data[c("X","Y")]
coordinates(data) <- data.xy
borderorig <- readOGR('border.shp', 'border')
border <- spTransform(borderorig, CRS("+init=epsg:32633"))
# create sp voronoi/thiessen diagram
voronoipolygons <- function(x, poly) {
if (.hasSlot(x, 'coords')) {
crds <- x@coords
} else crds <- x
bb = bbox(poly)
rw = as.numeric(t(bbox(poly)))
z <- deldir(crds[,1], crds[,2],rw=rw)
w <- tile.list(z)
polys <- vector(mode='list', length=length(w))
for (i in seq(along=polys)) {
pcrds <- cbind(w[[i]]$x, w[[i]]$y)
pcrds <- rbind(pcrds, pcrds[1,])
polys[[i]] <- Polygons(list(Polygon(pcrds)), ID=as.character(i))
SP <- SpatialPolygons(polys)
SP, data.frame(x=crds[,1], y=crds[,2],
row.names=sapply(slot(SP, 'polygons'),
function(x) slot(x, 'ID'))))
v <- voronoipolygons(data, border)
proj4string(v) <- proj4string(border)
# intersect and export data
###### PROBLEM STARTS HERE #######
thiessen <- gIntersection(border, v, byid=TRUE) # may take a few seconds
thiessenspdf <- as(thiessen, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") # change SpatialPolygon to SpatialPolygonDataFrame
notworking <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(thiessen, data@data) # not working attempt to change to spdf and attach data to polygon feature
points(data, pch=20)
writeOGR(thiessenspdf, "B:/testR", "thiessenspdf", driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE)
So what I have problems with is the notworking <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(thiessen, data@data)
part (which is kinda self explenatory).
However, I imported the shp into QGIS and used the Points in Polygon
function with my data points which is exactly what I want to achieve. Although there seem to be a mismatch between number of polygons and number of points (which I can't see at all on the map), it worked perfectly and I had my point data added as an attribute to each polygon - and this is how it should look like:
I need to do this in R, however, as I need to automatise this for a huge amount of different data points.