New to Python.
I have an mxd file file with three layers and one is a layer of elementary school boundaries.
Goal: Make a pdf doc with a page for each elementary boundary.
- arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(Counties, "NEW_SELECTION", "Boundary = 'PineCone'")
- ExportToPDF
- Next boundary polygon
- Append PDF
- Save
My question: Do I need to make a physical file of the elementary boundary layer before I can “SelectLayerByAttribute” for each boundary? Or is there a way to loop through the boundaries by making the selections straight from the mxd file.Below is not complete code, just the thought process.
import arcpy
from arcpy.mapping import *
mapDoc = MapDocument(r"C:temp\boundary.mxd")
pdfElementary = r”C:\Temp\Elem_Bndries”
for bname in boundaryList
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(Counties, "NEW_SELECTION", "boundary = bname")
ExportToPDF (mapDoc, pdfElementary, "PAGE_LAYOUT")
pdfFinalBoundary = appendPages(pdfElementary)
pdfFinalBoundary .saveAndClose ()
del pdfFinalBoundary