We have been given a license to aerial imaging from a local supplier. They are available in: * 1km x 1km tiles in MGA coordinates in both TIFF and ECW file format * Mosaiced blocks in MGA coordinates in ECW file format.
Our goal is to have these available on an iPad using the Motion-X GPS HD Application and its custom map & map download features.
However we would need to take these tiles and deliver them from a webserver or tileserver(?) in the slippy URL format (eg: http://.../Z/X/Y.png)
Looking for advise on a webserver or tileserver or whatever setup and/or maybe even some off the shelf software package/server software that will allow us to do this easily.
We do have some other maps & charts provided to us as well but they are in GeoTiff format.
Wondering if you could point me in the right direction?