I've run into a small problem where my for loop has been running for 3.5 hrs+. I have a Geodataset in SQL Server with a field called Shape that stores co-ordinates in geometry data type. Firstly, I connect R to my DB via ODBC and retrieve the information I want (also converting the Shape column to something readable)

ch<-odbcConnect("SpatialAnalysis", rows_at_time=1)
df<-sqlQuery(ch, "select OBJECTID, LOT_NO, Shape.STAsText() as WKT FROM SRC_PLI_QLD")
cnt<-sqlQuery(ch, "select count(OBJECTID) from SRC_PLI_QLD")

This has 2.5 million points. I now read them into a SpatialPointsDataFrame, reading the first element first.

point.sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(readWKT(df$WKT[1]),
                                   data=data.frame(OBJECTID=df$OBJECTID[1], LOT_NO=df$LOT_NO[1]))

Now I read the rest of the elements. AND this is where the problem is. It has been 3.5 hrs and still running.

for (n in 2:as.integer(cnt)) {
  point.sp <- rbind(point.sp, 
                                           data.frame(OBJECTID=df$OBJECTID[n], LOT_NO=df$LOT_NO[n])))

What is the problem in the above mentioned for loop? Is there another way I can do this?

  • Given that these are just points, why are you using a Geometry type? Why not just get X/Y or long/lat from the query?
    – mdsumner
    Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 9:43
  • In my SQL, there is a Shape column that has values like this :x110F0000010407000000DCD781517FD76F4140FAED5B2EFF46C190C2F53C9FD76F41A0703D5242FF46C1C8BAB873A1D76F416888632504FF46C1B0BFECF4A3D76F41801D38F7C5FE46C19031770984D76F41A080264AB5FE46C114D0448881D76F4100B37B6AF2FE46C1DCD781517FD76F4140FAED5B2EFF46C101000000020000000001000000FFFFFFFF0000000003. These are my co-ordinates. I am extracting them out using Shape.AsText(). Is there a better way? Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 9:47
  • I think we need to explore the SQL Server doc. What version etc. Probably another question :)
    – mdsumner
    Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 10:11

2 Answers 2


You could do

xy <- do.call(rbind, lapply(df$WKT,  function(x) coordinates(readWKT(x))))

Note: it turns out you can vectorize readWKT by pasting all the wkt text strings together, the underlying code splits them. Not really sure why this is the case, it's inconvenient.

But it's kind of pointless given that every object is just a single coordinate pair. You could use a similar approach for polygons and lines, but it's slightly different. SpatialPoints don't really have the same structure as the other classes, though SpatialMultipoints do . . .

Then you need to reconstruct the Spatial stuff:

point.sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(SpatialPoints(xy), data = df, match.ID = TRUE)

Just set match.ID to FALSE if it gives you grief. SpatialPoints has a proj4string argument where you can pass in the CRS(proj.4).

For points (but not multipoints) I would just use the db query to get x/y, then use coordinates(df) <- c("x", "y").

  • Thanks. My main goal is to do this with a Polygon dataset and then do an intersect between the Points and Polygon dataset to retrieve more attributes. I am doing all this correctly? Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 9:50
  • BTW the rbind, do.call method takes equally the same time, as lapply is based on a for-loop. Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 10:04
  • Looks like you are right, did not expect that. Use WKB and wkb::readWKB instead. Text is inefficient.
    – mdsumner
    Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 10:15
  • 1
    Another option is to use readOGR() with the MSSQLSpatial driver.
    – mdsumner
    Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 10:17
  • Thanks heaps for your help. I solved it another way, answer below Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 10:46

I solved this in another way and it took less than 10 seconds. The change was in the query. Instead of retrieving Shape.STAsText() as a WKT object from Shape column, I retrieved the Lat and Long value from Shape

df<-sqlQuery(ch, "select OBJECTID, LOT_NO, Shape.STY as Lat, Shape.STX as Lon FROM SRC_PLI_QLD")
cnt<-sqlQuery(ch, "select count(OBJECTID) from SRC_PLI_QLD")

Then I did :

coordinates(df) =~Lat+Lon

and my dataframe df has been converted to a SpatialPointsDataFrame

> class(df)
[1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
[1] "sp"

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