How would you skip the arcpy.Merge and arcpy.Clip if 'AAA010.shp' does not exist in the directory that os.walk is going through. I will have more code after the last line in this snippet.
import os, fnmatch, arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\MGCP.gdb’
fcMerged = ‘MergedFeatureClass’
fcClipped = ‘ClippedFeatureClass’
fcToClip = r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\Country.shp’
filesMatched = list()
for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(r’C:\Users\sysadmin\desktop\datamanagement\MGCP_Raw’):
for f in fnmatch.filer(files, ‘AAA010.shp’):
if 'AAA010.shp' in filesMatched:
arcpy.Merge_management (filesMatched, fcMerged)
arcpy.Clip_analysis (fcMerged, fcToClip, Extraction_Mine)
else: pass
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