I'm trying to copy a shapefile and give it a new name in QGIS python console, I am trying to use the QgsVectorFileWriter class' writeAsVectorFormat method
QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(QgsVectorLayer, QString,
QString, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem, QString driverName="ESRI
Shapefile", bool onlySelected=False, QString errorMessage=None,
QStringList datasourceOptions=QStringList(), QStringList
layerOptions=QStringList(), bool skipAttributeCreation=False,
QString newFilename=None, QgsVectorFileWriter.SymbologyExport
symbologyExport=QgsVectorFileWriter.NoSymbology, float
symbologyScale=1, QgsRectangle filterExtent=None) ->
I am unable to determine what the QString arguments (arguments 2 & 3) are supposed to be..I get that they are strings, but strings of what?? Is there a resource I could go to that would give more help than this? I am just trying to take a shapefile, copy it and give it a new name, is this the best way?