I am writing a scrip to batch automate hundreds of map PDF's. Along with the PDF's I generate a unique Table/reportlist for each map from the 'receptors' that fall within each boundary of the map. The amount of receptors and consequently the size of the Table/reportlist can vary from 0 receptors to hundreds. Currently I am generating the Table/receptorlist from a merged clipped receptors for each map and then using the arcpy table to table conversion
PointL = arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(listlayer, gdb, pointsellayer)
I then use 2 arcpy.searchcursors(explain why I use 2 later) to open up and read that table. I then paste the info I need in the order and structure I want onto a ReportLab Canvas.I then use PyPDF2 to merge the map and the receporlist together into one PDF.
My Problem: sometimes as I have previously stated there are hundreds of receptors to copy and write from the Table to the receptor list. What I have been able to do (seems clunky) is write to a one page then use the Show.Page() function to move to the next page using an if statement with a counter.
*skelton outline of my code below(left out all unimportant info for the question)
pointtable = gp.Searchcursor(PointL)
pointtable2 = gp.Searchcursor(PointL)
pdffn = "ReceptorList.pdf"
c = canvas.Canvas(pdffn, pagesize=landscape(legal))
c.drawString(10, 580, "ReceptorID")
loc = 565
nlist = []
for info in pointtable:
z+=1 #counter
recid = info.ID #example rows
c.drawString(30, loc, recid)
c.drawString(other rows...)
loc = loc-10
nlist.append(recid) #storing id in list
if loc <= 10:
c.showPage() #showPage() = go to next page
print "ReceptorListpage1"
loc = 10
if loc == 10: #page 2 if needed
loc = 580
for info2 in pointtable2:
recid2 = info2.ID
if recid2 not in nlist:
c.drawString(other rows...)
output = PdfFileWriter()
file1 = PdfFileReader(file("outputmap.pdf", "rb")) #created map in this loop
file2 = PdfFileReader(file("ReceptorList.pdf", "rb")) #created receptor pdf in loop
if z > 64:
output.addPage(file1.getPage(0)) #map
output.addPage(file2.getPage(0)) #page 1 list
output.addPage(file2.getPage(1)) #page 2 list
outputstream = file("FacilityName+.pdf", "wb") #naming new pdf fac_name
output.write(outputstream) #merging both pdf's into one!
output.addPage(file1.getPage(0)) #map
output.addPage(file2.getPage(0)) #page 1 list
outputstream = file("FacilityName+.pdf", "wb") #naming new pdf fac_name
output.write(outputstream) #merging both pdf's into one!
I am able to generate a multi page pdf for a receptor list but there are times when 2 pages is simply not enough and if i were to write more code to for more PDF pages for a receptor it would be very difficult to write because of all my counters, IF statements. Is there another way I can create multi page PDF's to merge to the map? Is there a reportlab method that can simply copy the receptor table to a PDF (even if it is multi page)