I have a file of some 4000 points, which belong to around 400 different categories (species of rare plants). I would like to remove duplicates within the categories (which could be repeated observations of the same population, at different dates or slightly different coordinates).
Can I perform some kind of cluster analysis but only within each species? I don't want to divide it up into 400 layers! Ideally the limit of each cluster would be around 1000m, and if each point could have the ID of a cluster added as an attribute that would be perfect. Choosing which points to discard from each cluster is difficult as the most recent year would be the best choice but some have the coordinates recorded at better resolution than others, while others contain valuable information in the free text comment attribute.
I'm relatively new to QGIS and probably not able to use Python/ methods involving code without some serious help!
This is an example of the sort of data I'm discussing (working in UK Ordnance Survey Grid Reference) as you see the first three lines are very close to each other but recorded at different times. I want to amalgamate these/ identify them as a cluster (and eventually delete the older records).