I have to work between OSGB1936 and WGS84 and BOTH of these data sets started out life as OSBG1936 BounaryLine data.
I thought I was just at the end of a full revision of my master mapping until I was presented with this I use QGIS on both PC and Mac platforms and some of these files date back to work I did three years ago when I was much less proficient than the enthusiastic amateur I am now.
And whilst I have been through many many levels of processing and manipulation I rarely reproject.
For some reason back in the past I also seem to have invoked WGS 84 / UTM zone 30N ESPG:32630 (suspect that was me trying to do a best fit betwixt the two)
But I have OnTheFly projection turned on... this shouldn't happen surely? And more importantly, How do I get them BACK to the same space?
I realise that I must have to do a form of re-projecting- but don't even know where to begin with determining what shits I need nor how to calculate them
Command line, GDAL, OGR and Python are all a scary closed book to me unless I have explicit instructions (I still don't know where or how I would enter a command line statement in QGIS!)- I'm a GUI man all the way.
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option to reproject to another CRS. For Great Britain, I tend to useEPSG:7405
(same as the original CRS they came in:OSBG 1936/British National Grid