I have downloaded USGS 1:24,000 topos (the classic one, not the useless US Topo) from the USGS Map Locator & Downloader. How can I load those into my Garmin GPSmap?

Following advice at this forum post, I converted a PDF to KMZ using:

gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY UT_Cannonville_248430_1966_24000_geo.{pdf,kmz} -co FORMAT=JPEG

The resulting kmz looks fine in Google Earth, so clearly the georeferencing information is present in the PDF. But when I mount my GPSmap 62 and copy the kmz to the Garmin/CustomMaps directory (as instructed here or here), it does not show up on the device. The problem may be related to what is reported here. How do I convert the kmz to a format that Garmin understands?


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