I want to change the language of QGIS Browser graphical user interface (GUI) to English. I know how to change the language of QGIS GUI itself from (Settings->Options->Locale), but that does not change the language of QGIS Browser. I also tried to change the language of QGIS Browser from OSGeo4W Shell with the following commands:

  1. qgis-browser --lang=en
  2. qgis-browser --lang en
  3. qgis-browser --lang en_US
  4. qgis-browser.bat --lang en_US
  5. qgis-browser.bat --lang=en_US

But unfortunately none of the above commands succeeded to change the language of QGIS Browser.

Do you know how can I do it?

  • you can test this . just back up your registry first before any change Commented Mar 22, 2016 at 6:36

1 Answer 1


There is a way to force localization to english. It's an ugly way but it works...

Go to (QGIS_DIR)\apps\qgis\i18n, make a backup folder and move all files into that folder. That will force QGIS and QGIS Browser to be displayed in their original language, in this case in English. ;)

In case you want another language just restore it from the backup folder to the i18n folder.

  • 1
    It worked, thank you. But I think it will be better if QGIS Developer team can also put control to change the language of QGIS Browser GUI similar to QGIS Desktop from (Settings->Options->Locale).
    – ahmadhanb
    Commented Mar 22, 2016 at 7:25

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