I have a versioned geodatabase. Any of that versions are used only by one user. So then user called "XXX" has a version called "XXX". So then now I want to make a changes on given version, but when I create a code like that:
IWorkspaceEdit edit = null;
try {
edit = new IWorkspaceEditProxy(findVersion(getVersionedWorkspace(), "myVersion"));
IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = new IFeatureWorkspaceProxy(getWorkspace());
ITable iTable = featureWorkspace.openTable("MyTable");
IRow iRow = iTable.getRow(56);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
iRow.setValue(21, "test2");
} catch (IOException e) {
I get an exception:
AutomationException: 0x80041354 - Syntax error in 'Microsoft VBScript compilation error'
When I call this method again a get an information like I should use an edit session
Objects in this object class cannot be updated outside of an edit session.
but how you can see on above code, I start and stop editing and edit operation.
Anyone can give me any hint for that. I also using an IFeatureWorkspace.update
method, but I get an information about problem with edit session. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, because I can access to database and get rows, but I can't edit them. I am using a JAVA as programming language.
When I change my code into:
IWorkspace iWorkspace = ArcGISServerHelper.getInstance().getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceEdit edit = null;
try {
IVersionedWorkspace iVersionedWorkspace = new IVersionedWorkspaceProxy(iWorkspace);
iWorkspace = new IWorkspaceProxy(iVersionedWorkspace.findVersion("myVersion"));
edit = new IWorkspaceEditProxy(iVersionedWorkspace.findVersion("myVersion"));
IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = new IFeatureWorkspaceProxy(iWorkspace);
ITable iTable = featureWorkspace.openTable("MyTable");
I get an exception:
AutomationException: 0x80004005 - The XML being loaded could not be parsed. [physical name: OWNER.ANNO_TABLE] in 'ESRI GeoDatabase'