I'm writing a script in pyQGIS, which would emulate measurement of a line by "walking" along it with a compass with constant length. I have a problem with the Clip algorythm from processing module, namely it returns None, regardless of whether I add layers as inputs or selected features. What do I do wrong? I believe, that should the clip result in an empty layer, it would still be there, just empty? Below is the piece of code with problems,
while d.measureLine(QgsPoint(coorFin[0],coorFin[1]),QgsPoint(coor[0],coor[1]))>step: # If the distance between current and last point is more than chosen step
# Create buffer polygon around a point
bufCirc = point.geometry().buffer(step,10) # do a buffer from existing point
buforek = QgsFeature()
# Create layer and put the polygon inside
bufferLayer = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon", "temporary_polygons", "memory")
pz = bufferLayer.dataProvider()
# select the buffer
buforSel = bufferLayer.setSelectedFeatures([buforek])
# Clip coastline with the buffer
liniaWarstwa = processing.runandload("qgis:clip", selectedCoastLine, buforSel, "memory:liniaWarstwa")
print liniaWarstwa
layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName("memory:liniaWarstwa")[0]
The print prints "none", QgsMapLayerRegistry says "index out of range".