CartoCSS, when used when Torque, doesn't know about your columns data. Filters cannot be used like your example:
['table2.data_count' < 10]{ marker-fill: #D6301D; }
in Torque because the different values you have wouldn't make sense for it.
The way that Torque works is with the aggregation function, that by default counts the number of events in the same location:
Map {
-torque-resolution: 2;
The result of the torque-aggregation-function is the only variable that Torque knows about, the variable value
that you can see if you apply a Torque Category map. In your case, you would have to replace this aggregation function by something that gives you the values of your load column.
This value
variable can go from 0 to 255 because of certain limitations, so make sure that the aggregation function will return something bounded by these values.
If your "load" column does not exceed 255, you could try something like:
and then you should be able to use your filters like:
[value <10] { marker-fill: #000; }
[value < 8] { marker-fill: #400; }
[value < 3] { marker-fill: #800; }
[value <= 1] { marker-fill: #F00; }
You can learn about the details on how spatial aggregation works here.