I am trying to create kernel density estimates for bird territories over a number of years. So I have all of the x,y coordinates that mark the locations of each bird in my spreadsheet, and columns for Year and Bird ID. I want to create a kernel density estimate for each bird's territory each year - some birds have returned in multiple years and established territories, so I need a KDE for each bird, each year. I can get it to work doing it one at a time, but that would be time consuming and unpleasant with 100's of unique combinations of Bird ID and Year to go through, so I have been trying to batch automate it and am running into trouble.
This is what I put in the command text on the GME GUI:
inpath <- ”V:\shapefiles\”
outpath <- ”V:\shapefiles\”
for (i in 1:44)
{ for (j in 2009:2015)
{ kde(in=paste(inpath, ”Master6.shp”),
out=paste(outpath, ”kde an”, i, ” m”, j, ”.img”),
where=paste(”Bird ID=”, i, ” ANDYear=”, j));
This is the output and error I get:
inpath <- "V:\shapefiles\"
outpath <- "V:\shapefiles\"
for (i in 1:44);
kde(in=paste(inpath, "Master6.shp"),
out=paste(outpath, "kde an", i, " m", 2009, ".img"),
bandwidth="SCV", cellsize=0.000168,
where=paste("Bird ID=", i, " ANDYear=", 2009));
Error: The default input/output working folders have not been specified, therefore not enough information has been supplied to open the specified data source
Error: Could not open input point data source.
I'm new to GME.