I want to know if there is a plugin in QGIS, which will allow me to draw the outline a point cloud.
I know there is Points2One plugin, but it makes an outline with all points, even with the data found in the middle of the point cloud.
I give you an example:
x y ID order
3.3 43.2625 353293 1
3.13334 43.3458 353293 2
3.21667 43.3458 353293 3
2.88334 43.4292 353293 4
2.96667 43.4292 353293 5
3.05 43.4292 353293 6
3.13334 43.4292 353293 7
2.71667 43.5125 353293 8
2.8 43.5125 353293 9
2.88334 43.5125 353293 10
2.96667 43.5125 353293 11
3.05 43.5125 353293 12
3.13334 43.5125 353293 13
2.88334 43.5958 353293 14
2.96667 43.5958 353293 15
3.05 43.5958 353293 16
3.13334 43.5958 353293 17
2.96667 43.6792 353293 18
3.05 43.6792 353293 19
3.13334 43.6792 353293 20
3.21667 43.6792 353293 21
3.05 43.7625 353293 22
3.13334 43.7625 353293 23
3.21667 43.7625 353293 24
3.13334 43.8458 353293 25
3.21667 43.8458 353293 26
With the tool suggested by @ArMoraer I can only draw a polygon with the outer points that are more extreme. The polygon has touched just 5 points (see map of Convex hull below) but normally it should pass on 20 points (all points of the contour).
Each point has a pixel, actually the outline should not touch the points but it must pass through the outer limit of these pixels. In the end I want to have an outline like this map (see map below : desired contour)
Vector > Geoprocessing Tools