My goal:
- Store the attributes of a geojson in a csv file
- Allow a non-GIS user to edit a cloud-hosted csv file which then updates a webmap
- Have the web map be a static app with no GIS/PostGIS/SQL etc server involved
My method:
- Load a csv (from say dropbox) and a geojson stored on the webserver
- Join the csv to the geojson file using javascript
- Style the polygons using the field added from the csv
This works, but it is too slow...
The loading of the csv happens in about 1 second, and the geojson tiles get created almost instantly. But the join function using eachLayer()
takes between 7 and 10 seconds - on a desktop machine with a fast internet connection. On a phone performance for the join is awful, maybe 30-50 seconds.
Is there a faster/better way to join the geojson to the csv?
I could be going about this in the absolute wrong way altogether.
I am using leaflet 0.7.7. The geojson and csv contain 4500 features/rows.
after the Papa.parse, eachLayer and after the tile script gives me this:
csv loaded in 889.39
csv joined in 7406.235000000001
geojson tiles created in 7523.535000000002
And without the join:
csv loaded in 918.0150000000002
geojson tiles created in 1030.2800000000002
Here is the code (wellZoneParcelsData is the omnivore variable and wellZoneParcels is the L.geoJson):
wellZoneParcelsData.on('ready', function () {
Papa.parse('assets/data/wellston_zone_codes.csv', {
download: true,
header: true,
complete: function(results) {
var now =;
csvloaded = now - start;
console.log('csv loaded in ' + csvloaded);
wellZoneParcels.eachLayer(function(layer) {
var pid =;
var csvData ={return data.PARCELID == this;}, pid); = csvData[0].zonecode;
});//end eachlayer function
now =;
csvjoined = now - start;
console.log('csv joined in ' + csvjoined);
}//end complete function
});//end papa parse