Currently i use the overpass api to query for "leisure=playground" ways and nodes to display them on a map in a webapp.
The problem is, first of all its very slow (even with querys limited to a high zoomlevel) and i query dynamically based on the currently displayed map. Which leads sometimes to multiple querys in a short time, when the user drags the map around. This querys often get blocked, because of "too many querys".
The only solution i found so far is: Download the OSM data, filter them locally and upload the filtered data in a DB or to the maptile provider. But to keep the data up to date i would have to do this on a regular basis. This seems to be very inefficient.
Is there any (free or paid) services, which gives fast results on OSM data querys? I wouldnt mind if the data is a few days old, but it should be updated regularly.
Whats the best practice to build some kind of an OSM-Interface for a special type of location?
Example query:[out%3Ajson]%3B%0A%28%0A%20%20way%0A%20%20%20%20[%22leisure%22%3D%22playground%22]%0A%20%20%20%20%2840.72781164387366%2C-74.19745445251465%2C40.76032570468407%2C-74.09960746765137%29%3B%0A%29%3B%0Aout%20center%3B
which is
out center;
~3 seconds for 5 ways (directly executed in the browser
It is used in a MeteorJS project. But i don't see any major differences with different frameworks.