I am trying to write a python script that will only select multiple rows with the same street name if they have consecutively numbered addresses and then place those street names in a list. For example:
FULLST | Lowest Address Number (LOR) | Highest Address Number (HIR):
ASH ST | 100 | 200
ASH ST | 201 | 300
LOUIS RD | 100 | 200
LOUIS RD | 300 | 400
In this example I need to place ASH ST in the list but leave LOUIS RD out because LOUIS represents a break in addresses for a non-contiguous street.
This is the workflow I imagine but don't know the proper coding:
streetlist = []
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("G/MSAG/MergedTable")
for row in rows:
if row.getValue("FULLST") == rows.next(row.getValue("FULLST")) and row.getValue("HIR") == rows.next(row.getValue("LOR"+1)):
This is the code that was successful in adding FULLST names to the streetlist:
streetlist = []
sc = arcpy.SearchCursor(STMS, None, None, "FULLST; LOR; HIR; MCN; OEN", None)
previousSt = None
previousHIR = None
previousMCN = None
previousOEN = None
for row in sc:
if not previousSt:
previousSt = row.getValue("FULLST")
previousHIR = row.getValue("HIR")
if previousSt == row.getValue("FULLST") and previousMCN == row.getValue("MCN") and previousOEN == row.getValue("OEN"):
if (row.getValue("LOR")-1) == previousHIR or row.getValue("LOR") < previousHIR:
addToList = True
previousHIR = row.getValue("HIR")
previousHIR = row.getValue("HIR")
if addToList:
addToList = False
previousSt = row.getValue("FULLST")
previousHIR = row.getValue("HIR")
previousMCN = row.getValue("MCN")
previousOEN = row.getValue("OEN")
Instead of adding FULLST to the streetlist I need to add a Unique ID number so that it will only select rows that need to be merged while ignoring streets that share the same FULLST but have gaps compared to the consecutive rows. If I change the append line to:
It will only add the first row in the series to the streetlist. For example: Smith: 1-110 ID:458 / Smith: 141-706 ID:459 / Smith: 707-3500 ID:460. Here only ID:458 is being added to the streetlist. If I change the append line to:
It will add the Unique ID for the row after the series. For the Smith example above, it will skip all of those and add Stone: 1-250 ID:461. Any suggestion on how to select the rows in between these two?
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