I need to extract all streets available on a particular area of a City. I'm able to extract all streets name using this query:
select distinct P2.*
planet_osm_polygon P1,
planet_osm_line P2
where P2.name is not null AND P1.osm_id = -80277 and ST_Intersects(P2.way, P1.way)
order by P2.name
(in this casa -324211 is the city of Toronto). Now, I need to extract the streets name of only a particular subarea of the City. I can found the information about the subarea on planet_osm_point table but, how can I extract only the line or rows are in one particular subarea?
With this I can extract all subarea of Toronto:
select P2.osm_id, P2.boundary, P2.name
planet_osm_polygon P1,
planet_osm_point P2
where P2.name is not null AND P1.osm_id = -324211 and ST_Intersects(P2.way, P1.way) and P2.place = 'suburb'
order by P2.name
is there a way to do that?
--- UPDATE ---
One solution is, starting from a point, create a square or round polygon and extracts all streets that intersect this new polygon, something like that:
select asText(way) from planet_osm_point where osm_id = 349354234
and, when I use the results here:
select P2.*
planet_osm_line P2
where P2.name is not null AND ST_Intersects(P2.way, (ST_Buffer('POINT(-8840304.91218709 5429889.22642508)', 50) ) )
I get this error message: Operation on mixed SRID geometries
On a blog I read how to update my SRID table geometry column but, is it the right way to fix that?
thanks for your help! Any suggestion (not only a solution) will be accepted and very helpful!
PS: I imported data using osm2pgsql but, if I understand well (I'm newbie here) I can found more information using osmosis, correct?