I just noticed that SVG rendering in composer since upgrade to QGIS 2.14 is incorrectly handling some text placement. I have an SVG compass rose, which was rendering fine before upgrading to 2.14 (Essen).
Before upgrade -
Now as displayed in Composer, 2.14 -
Note that some text is correct, the problem seems to be with the numerals arrayed around the circles, which have been transformed by rotation.
This svg was created in Inkscape, exported as a standard svg. It is rendered correctly in any browsers and other viewing software I have tried. It also rendered correctly in QGIS version 2.12. I am using both Inkscape & QGIS on the same computer, running Ubuntu 14.04, so referenced font is available.
As a workaround, I have exported the svg from Inkscape to a png bitmap, which displays fine in Composer. Another workaround is to convert the problem text to paths in inkscape, which then render as expected, but that seems a little clumsy.
Has anyone else experienced this, or have any ideas on the problem? I really like the ability to create detailed svgs in Inkscape to greatly enhance the graphic capabilities of Print Composer, but not so handy if I can't rely on the text rendering.
Here is a copy of the problem svg, in case some curious soul wants to check for themselves - NauticalRoseSJ_ink.svg