I have a strange st_difference behaviour. I’ve got two overlapping lines (each one has two points), but st_difference result is complete geometry of the first line.

The code to reproduce is here:

mylines AS
 st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(4377625.44 7399187.54,4377633.47 7398278.09)') as ro_geom,
 st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(4377625.44 7399187.54,4377630.67957507 7398594.12386704)') as lk_geom

  1 as gid,
  st_difference(ro_geom, lk_geom) as diff_geom
from mylines

Visually, it looks like this: enter image description here

So the st_difference between red and blue lines returns a green line, which isn't expected. I'd expect the green line to be shorter and below the blue one (without overlapping it).

This is just a test example I've made for demonstration of the problem. In practice, I'm using st_difference for two huge datasets and every difference looks unexpected.

Any clues?

1 Answer 1


At the scale of your display, these lines appear to be coincident, but in reality they're not:

enter image description here

I've exaggerated the difference between the two lines using the "Magnify Topology" tool in JTS TestBuilder, which I highly recommend for looking into cases like this.

Depending on the goal of your analysis, it might be suitable to snap your vertices to a grid first:

ST_AsText(ST_Difference(ST_SnapToGrid(ro_geom, 10), ST_SnapToGrid(lk_geom, 10)))
  • Nice tool, didn't know about that. You beat me to the answer, but another less pretty way of showing the same thing would have been .... SELECT ST_intersection(ro_geom, lk_geom)) as diff_geom which, of course, just returns a single point. Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:09
  • Thanks @dbaston. The smaller line is made by st_locatebetween function from the main line. How come it's second node isn't located on the parent line?
    – mofoyoda
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:09
  • 1
    It's the cruel world of floating point numbers. Vertices that are constructed (from ST_Intersection, or ST_LocateBetween, or anything else) may not actually intersect the geometries that produced them.
    – dbaston
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:17
  • @dbaston So how can I snap the constructed gometry to match the intial line then?
    – mofoyoda
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:19
  • 2
    read up on ST_Snap. WITH mylines AS ( SELECT st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(4377625.44 7399187.54,4377633.47 7398278.09)') as ro_geom, st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(4377625.44 7399187.54,4377630.67957507 7398594.12386704)') as lk_geom ) select 1 as gid, st_astext(st_difference(st_snap(ro_geom, lk_geom, 0.001), st_snap(lk_geom, ro_geom, 0.001))) as diff_geom from mylines; Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:28

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