I'm running geoserver 2.8.0 in tomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04.
Could anybody help me with the security configuration? I want to serve WMS and WFS from a specific workspace using authorization based on a authkey in the URL - GET request.
I have tried to follow these instructions: http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/authkey/index.html
So far I tried:
- create new Group Service: sh_group (jdbc), add new User: sh1 (role: READ)
- create Data Security rule for new workspace, access mode read for role: READ
- add new Authentication Filter: sh_authfilter (authkey), using group service sh_group
- add sh_authfilter to default Filter Chain as first selected filter (above basic and anonymous)
- create new Authentication Provider: sh_authprovider and add this to selected Provider Chain (top)
The synchonisation of authkeys is working and I see a UUID for the user sh1. I can login to the web admin interface as user sh1, however I cannot access a WMS or WFS using the authkey variable in the GET request. Can you tell me above all procedure?