I have spatial population density data that I would like to export to Excel (or similar) so that I can use it in analysis with another dataset. Specifically, I want the XY coordinates and the values in a table. The pop. dens data is a raster dataset, and I have tried converting it into integer form, then converting that to points, joining the points to the integer raster data, then getting the XY coordinates. I run into problems with the join, because the object ids in the raster file don't match those in the vector/point file...which was created from the raster file. I understand why not, but I'm not sure how to fix this.
Any suggestions on how best to go about this? I suspect my dataset is too large for the sample command; I tried running it for 48 hours with no output.
I am using ArcMap 10.3.1 for desktop.
Edited to add that I have this problem regardless of whether I convert the raster data to points or to polygons (and then get the XY coordinates from the centroid of each polygon)