I am using QgsNewVectorLayerDialog for taking user input for creating a new shapefile. When the user clicks OK I am reading the inputs selected by the user using the following code.

dlg = QgsNewVectorFileDialog()
result = dlg.exec_()
if result == 1:
   crs = dlg.selectedCrsI()
   type = dlg.selectedType()
   attributes = []

All other parameters are coming fine. However attributes is returning an empty list. QgsNewVectorLayerDialog.attributes() shows that it needs an list of tuple of QString-QString. Whether I am passing correctly or not.


1 Answer 1


I think it is really a bug as Carrillo said.

But as a workaround, I implemented my own class OwnVectorLayerDialog inheriting QgsNewVectorLayerDialog and override the attributes() function. Therefore, I oriented on original c++ function from API: http://qgis.org/api/qgsnewvectorlayerdialog_8cpp_source.html#l00192

The only hack was to find QTreeWidget in dialog children - found a QGroupbox at index 9 and the tree at index 1 within that groupbox (maybe you have to find it yourself, if you are using other version, where indices might have changed)

My code looks like this:

from qgis.gui import QgsNewVectorLayerDialog
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt4.QtGui import QTreeWidgetItemIterator

class OwnVectorLayerDialog(QgsNewVectorLayerDialog):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=Qt.Window):
        super(OwnVectorLayerDialog, self).__init__(parent, flags)

    def attributes(self, att_list):
        # Find QTreeWidget:
        tree = self.children()[9].children()[1]

        # Iterate over items:
        it = QTreeWidgetItemIterator(tree)
        while it.value() is not None:
            item = it.value()
            item_type = "{0};{1};{2}".format(
                item.text(1), item.text(2), item.text(3))
            att_list.append((item.text(0), item_type))
            it += 1

dlg = OwnVectorLayerDialog()
result = dlg.exec_()
if result == 1:
    crs = dlg.selectedCrsId()
    types = dlg.selectedType()
    attributes = []


And gives me output like this (for id field and added field new_field):

[(u'id', 'Integer;10;'), (u'new_field', 'Real;10;3')]

Hope you can adapt and use my workaround!

  • Instead of overriding the attributes() function you could write your own function returning the fields as you want it, of course...
    – Henhuy
    Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 21:21

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