Now I filtered a layer to have only one feature in it. I would like to use that feature straight-away but cannot figure out how.
The setup:
from osgeo import ogr
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("WFS")
wfs = driver.Open("WFS:") # This is a public WFS with open data
layer = wfs.GetLayerByName("Stadtteile") # Some polygons, possibly multipolygons
# A random point inside one of them
point_in_hamburg = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT (566795 5935774)")
# Checking which features on layer intersect with our point
# Due to the nature of Stadtteile (=districts) we
# will get only one intersecting feature:
print("One single feature: {}".format(len(layer) == 1)) # Prints "True"
Now I want to use that single feature. The only way I managed to is by using a loop over that length 1 layer:
for feature in layer:
print(feature.GetFID()) # Prints "94"
I find that incredibly ugly and illogical. How can I directly access the feature instead without knowing anything about it?
is not it. Strangely enough I can use layer[94]
before the Spatial Filter and I get the feature (even though the WFS server returned a "Generic WFS service error") but if I try to use it afterwards, I get an IndexError from ogr. So even if the FID is 94 and is still 94 after filtering, layer[94]
will fail at that point.
Is there some alternative?