I have two shape files: one has point features indicating urban centers, the other is a polygon features file that has counties. Each county has one urban center. There are around 2800 counties. I want to find the distance between one urban center in a county to all of its neighboring urban centers (by this I mean centers located in counties that border the selected county)
For example, if county 1 borders county 3 and county 2, I would like to find the distance between urban center 1 (located in center 1) and center 3, and between center 1 and center 2. If county 7 borders county 8, 9 and 10, I want to find the distance between urban center 7 and centers 8,9 and 10.
So far I have tried the following:
- I have tried using the Near Generate Table and the Near tool. The problem with this is that I do not only want to find the distance between points that are closest to one another, but rather find the distance between a point and all of its neighboring points.
- I used the point distance tool, which gives me the point distance between every single point for all 2800 points, and this is very redundant and inefficient, since I only want to find the distance between neighboring point features.
Is there any way to do this in ArcGIS Desktop 10.3?