I have some script that I would like to share easily.
I have read here that its possible to create a plugin using a set of scripts using "Scripts/Tools group in the Processing toolbox, double-click on the Create script collection plugin item"
Unfortunately I don't have this tools in scripts in ubuntu 16.04 with QGIS 2.14.3, or in windows.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem because if I go into QGIS source I have seen this code that is missing in my QGIS installation: CreateScriptCollectionPluginAction.py.
Now this tools is available in Qgis and works well when you apply the following change (@Joseph helped): C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.16.1\apps\qgis\python\plugins\processing\script And then change the line after the imports:
WIDGET, BASE = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join(pluginPath, 'ui', 'DlgConfig.ui')) with
WIDGET, BASE = uic.loadUiType( os.path.join(pluginPath, 'ui', 'scriptselector.ui')) Re/start QGIS and hopefully it will work:
It works well because when I go to plugin I can enable it. However, unfortunately, after that I am not able to see any new menu where to find the script, whatever in Plugins, processing option.
Did you know where to find the menu ?
folder. If you put all of these into a new folder with an example name like "Hello" and move this into the/qgis2/python/plugins/
directory and re/start QGIS, you will see the "Hello" plugin from the menubar:Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins...