Suppose we plot a number of points (latitude, longitude) on the google map using Plot Google map package of R. These points are classified on the basis of unique vehicle-id i.e. a point to represent where a particular vehicle stopped. So, the data consists of numerous vehicles. Now, I just wanted to know whether its possible if we click on a particular legend(marker) on the Google map, then all the legend(marker) of that particular vehicle-id gets highlighted. I just wanted to know whether it could be done or how to do it.
vehicle_id longt latit
19969 86.3607 23.80903333
19969 86.346225 23.7921
23384 86.0130875 23.78897883
23384 86.04025 23.840275
23384 86.1597922 23.914832
23384 86.72869833 23.8198765
23395 86.00305 23.766375
23395 86.58922857 23.8085
23395 86.2883 23.82095
23400 86.01176667 23.78473333