I'm using the ISO 19115/19139 metadata standard, and I need to convert some optional elements into mandatory elements. Is it possible to achieve this using ArcCatalog as the metadata editor?
About metadata standards and profiles says "A profile may further restrict the optionality of a metadata element, making it mandatory where before it was optional."
In ArcCatalog I can set ISO 19139 as the metadata standard:
but how can I edit my instance of ISO 19139 (to make a custom profile) so that (for example) lineage is mandatory instead of optional?
Under ArcGIS\Desktop10.4\Metadata\Translator\Rules there is a file ISO19139_min_schema.txt.
Can I edit this file, and if so what is the syntax for making lineage mandatory?
files but these don't appear to have a flag for mandatory or optional either.