I have bathymetric data (raster form) that I'm trying to tease out specific depth contours. For example, I would like to "create" the 150-m depth contour from the bathymetric data in the Gulf of Alaska. By using the Raster Calculator, I was able to create a raster of just the 150 m depth cells. However, I would like these to be connected as a "smooth" contour line. I'm having a hard time thinking of how to go about this. I hope this makes sense!
1 Answer
Use the Contour tool to do it: http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Using%20the%20ArcGIS%20Spatial%20Analyst%20toolbar%20to%20create%20contours
Select your raster, then choose an interval of 150m. From there, you can select and extract just the 150m contour and export that to a new shapefile or feature class.
tool to the original grid.