I want to label each land parcel and realize some groups of parcels are too small and close together to label effectively. Therefore, I want to create a magnified view to include on the sheet for this region.
Is there a way to do this?
I want to label each land parcel and realize some groups of parcels are too small and close together to label effectively. Therefore, I want to create a magnified view to include on the sheet for this region.
Is there a way to do this?
You need to add another data frame to your layout. In that new data frame you copy all the layers you want to display in your inset. The easiest way to do this is to just drag and drop from your main data frame into the new one. This will copy them to the new data frame.
Once you have your new data frame and layers, position the new data frame inset where you want it on the page, set your data frame properties background colour to white (or another colour if preferred) to block any data from the main data frame from showing through it), and zoom into your area of interest.
Once this is done you can add "Extent Indicators" to show where your inset relates to on your main data frame. Extent Indicators are added via the main data frame's Properties dialog, on the Extent Indicators tab.