So I am trying to convert a LineString shapefile into GPX using the 'gdalogr:ogr2ogr' algorithm in a QGIS python plugin.
The problem is that I alway get routes instead of tracks, even if I specify the option 'FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES'. The input is actually a LineString, not a MultiLineString (by default, LineString are created into the route layer). But the 'FORCE_GPX_TRACK' option is supposed to create it as a track...
Here is the code:
processing.runalg("gdalogr:ogr2ogr",inputf,16,'FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES',self.GUIControl.output_path + os.sep + "GPX" + os.sep + filename)
Maybe I should mention that I am trying this on QGIS 2.4 on Linux (debian)
I tried 'gdalogr:convertformat' on QGIS 2.12 on Windows and it wrote the GPX file with the correct geometries, as tracks. But, there are no attributes though. Maybe I should use '-select field_list' option after -lco ?
I will try it tommorrow, because i'm on my windows machine right now. I just wanted to post an update of my problem to let you know i'm still alive :P
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