When I add aerial images from a recent survey (delivered in EPSG:31468, DHDN_3_Degree_Gauss_Zone_4) to a map document, these differ in position from a basemap as can be seen in the screenshot below (about 150m in ~40°). I carried out these steps:
- Set up a new map document
- Set data frame coordinate system to EPSG:31468
- add the aerial image
- add a basemap (here: openstreetmap)
Overlaying it with a parcel dataset from a different source indicates that my aerial image is positioned correctly, so what have I done wrong?
Aerial vs. osm basemap:
Overlay with parcel dataset:
(must be added explicitly) and selecting one of the procections (DHDN_To_WGS_1984_4_NTv2
) solved my issue.