I have several shapefiles that are supposed to be in epsg:4326 but the projection is correct only relative to each other, not absolutely.
Is there a way I can geotag shapefiles without having a geotagged picture file.
In QGIS for example?
I have several shapefiles that are supposed to be in epsg:4326 but the projection is correct only relative to each other, not absolutely.
Is there a way I can geotag shapefiles without having a geotagged picture file.
In QGIS for example?
Actually what you describe simply sounds like the files are not in the projection you think. Run ogrinfo to find out what projection they are reporting, if it is a different projection, then you are ok and can simply reproject the data to 4326. If it reports 4326 then your files could be corrupted and you need to go back to your source to find out the true projection if possible