I'm completely new to Overpass queries for getting OSM data, so sorry for this maybe trivial question.
I'm looking for the correct query using Overpass turbo. I have found some demo queries, but I am not sure if they are correct for my needs, so I would like to be sure.
My aim is to get all Points of Interests, which are using the KEY: "tourism" in a specified region (a bounding box with geographic coordinates, or a specified district, like a country).
I know I can get all data in a specified region with this query:
(node(51.249,7.148,51.251,7.152);<;);out meta;
but how do i include the keyword, that only POIs with they key: tourism are returned?
2nd question: how could i expand this query to receive only specific values of the tourism key, like all apartments, viewpoints and attractions (values: "apartment", "viewpoint", "attraction") in one file?
More information for tourism key: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tourism