On my map canvas I have various point objects spread through several layers. My plan is to 'animate' those objects by a loop from start to a predefined resolution.
By now I'm just testing the algorithm with the vertical positions of the existing objects and an exportCanvas function which saves the canvas as a single image for each step.
Because this method isn't very handy I want to have the output of the loop directly to the canvas - delayed by e.g. 0.5 seconds per step.
Above is an example of the merged jpg-files to a gif
The problem is that my loop doesn't work very well at all and freezes my QGIS for the whole process time (+delay).
I know that I need some kind of hyperthreading or callback from QGIS to my plugin but at this point I have no clue how to transfer this idea to useful code
Down below: the code so far
# Animation: Button clicked
def btnAnimationClicked(self):
rate = 24
# Werte zum Färben der xyz
for i in range(0,rate,1):
self.caller(i, self.callback)
# Animation: Caller
def caller(self, val, func):
# Animation: Callback
def callback(self, i):
yhi = 5699049523 + 400000
ylo = 5696625163
delta = yhi - ylo
rate = 24
ste = delta / rate
ubound = ylo + (ste * (i+1))
lbound = ylo + (ste * i)
values = (
('hi', ubound + 1, yhi, 'red'),
('is', lbound, ubound, 'green'),
('lo', ylo, lbound - 1, 'yellow'),
# HaKasten abgestuft färben
for layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values():
if layer.name()[0:9] == "xyz_______":
ranges = []
for label, lower, upper, color in values:
symbol = QgsSymbolV2.defaultSymbol(layer.geometryType())
rng = QgsRendererRangeV2(lower, upper, symbol, label)
attribut = 'y'
renderer = QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2(attribut, ranges)
for layer in qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().layers():
#time.sleep(0.5) # optional