I have had used gdalogr:cliprasterbymasklayer function in PyQGIS many times before but with the latest update there seems to be a lot more extra arguments and I can't figure out how to get the algorithm to function properly anymore.

processing.alghelp('gdalogr:cliprasterbymasklayer') returns the following:

ALGORITHM: Clip raster by mask layer
INPUT < ParameterRaster>
MASK < ParameterVector>
NO_DATA < ParameterString>
ALPHA_BAND < ParameterBoolean>
CROP_TO_CUTLINE < ParameterBoolean> KEEP_RESOLUTION < ParameterBoolean>
RTYPE < ParameterSelection> COMPRESS < ParameterSelection>
JPEGCOMPRESSION < ParameterNumber> ZLEVEL < ParameterNumber>
PREDICTOR < ParameterNumber>
TILED < ParameterBoolean>
BIGTIFF < ParameterSelection>
TFW < ParameterBoolean>
EXTRA < ParameterString>
OUTPUT < OutputRaster>

RTYPE(Output raster type) 0 - Byte 1 - Int16 2 - UInt16 3 - UInt32 4 - Int32 5 - Float32 6 - Float64

COMPRESS(GeoTIFF options. Compression type:) 0 - NONE 1 - JPEG 2 - LZW 3 - PACKBITS 4 - DEFLATE

BIGTIFF(Control whether the created file is a BigTIFF or a classic TIFF) 0 - 1 - YES 2 - NO 3 - IF_NEEDED 4 - IF_SAFER

Are 16 options really needed to clip a raster? Is there a simpler option via Python? I need it for batch processing.

My best attempt got an output, but there is nothing in the file. processing.runalg('gdalogr:cliprasterbymasklayer', rstrData, shp, 'none', False, True, True, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, True, 0, True, "", rstrOutput+str(rstrData))

Can anyone explain to me where I'm going wrong please?


Docs are out of date to reflect this new algorithm.

Last version was a lot easier to control.



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