I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame with thousands of datapoints in a relatively small geographic area. The points are grouped around regions of physical measurements and are hence irregularly spaced:


old data

I'd like to resample these data onto a coarser grid that is sparsely populated so as not to overextrapolate observations. Each point in the grid grid should take on the value of the closest point in old --- unless there are no data within (say) a 500m radius, in which case the grid point in new should take on the value of NA.

ggg <-raster(crs = old@proj4string,
               ext = extent(old@bbox),
               resolution = 1000)
gg <- as(pppp, 'SpatialGrid')

grid for new data

I have played around with creating an empty SpatialGrid object as shown above and using over(), but I get a vector of NAs. I assume that's because the points in the grid do not precisely align with my data.

I am currently trying to see if there's a way to do it with aggregate but no dice so far. Note that I don't want to average all values in each grid cell---instead, I want to use the nearest single observation to each grid cell center / point.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

2 Answers 2


You could treat this as a (degenerate) interpolation problem, using a neighbourhood of one, try something along the lines of

i = idw(var~1, old, ggg, nmax = 1, maxdist = 500)

where var refers to the name of the variable you sampled.

  • Thank you. Since posting, I solved my problem. I will post it here for reference. I ended up discovering nncross() in spatstat. However, thanks for the response. As a general question: what's degenerate interpolation? Wikipedia didn't help me there? (And what, if any, is the label given to interpolation methods that are not degenerate)? Thanks.
    – nivek
    Commented Jul 15, 2016 at 4:00
  • (just edited) - I meant interpolation with a single nearest observation, which does not really interpolate (basically spatial k-NN, with k = 1, but generating missing value if value is further than 500) Commented Jul 16, 2016 at 9:34

I found I was able to solve the problem using the nncross() function in the package spatstat. I don't know if this was the simplest solution, since it required first converting my SpatialPoints to class ppp. In any case here it is:


# Make the grid. Use raster() and then convert.
# Not the most direct but it works.
gridRes = 1000 # meters
ggg <-raster(crs = old@proj4string,
             ext = extent(old@bbox),
             resolution = gridRes)
gg <- as(ggg, 'SpatialGrid')
g <- as(gg, 'SpatialPoints')

grd <- ppp(x = g@coords[,1],
           y = g@coords[,2],
           window = owin(xrange=g@bbox[1,], yrange = g@bbox[2,]))
old_ppp <- ppp(x = old@coords[,1],
           y = old@coords[,2],
           window = owin(xrange=old@bbox[1,],
           yrange = old@bbox[2,]))

distz <- nncross(grd, old_ppp)
# distz is a dataframe with a row for each item in grd,
# and each row contains (1) distance and (2) reference to the nearest
# point in old_ppp.
  • 2
    The grumpy old man here wants to edit out all the @ uses here with proj4string(), extent(), coordinates(), xmin(), xmax(), ymin(), ymax().
    – mdsumner
    Commented Jul 15, 2016 at 8:41
  • As a new R user this was far from clear the first time I read the rgdal / sp doc. Took ages just to stumble on how to extract information I needed from the datastructures :) Thanks for the pointer; will try to remember this!
    – nivek
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 1:06

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