I have tried to get this to work but have ran in to this error
Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 11, in ExecuteError: Error creating point Name: on feature 0 Failed to execute (CreateFeaturesFromTextFile).
# Create geoprocessing dispatch object
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
# Set up inputs to tool
inTxt = r"C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Geoprograming\WeekSeven\Propety.txt"
inSep = ","
strms = r"C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Geoprograming\WeekSeven\Property.shp"
# Run tool
gp.CreateFeaturesFromTextFile(inTxt, inSep, strms, "#")
# Use output from createfeatures tool as input to buffer
outFCbuf = r"C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Geoprograming\WeekSeven\PropertyBuf.shp"
gp.buffer(strms, "10 Unknown", "FULL", "ROUND", "NONE", "#")
my text file looks like this
Spatial Reference: 43006
Name: Jones Tract
424564.620666, 4396443.55267
425988.30892, 4395630.01652
426169.09473, 4395426.63249
426214.291182, 4395268.4449
426259.487635, 4395065.06087
426259.487635, 4394409.7123
426010.907146, 4394183.73004
425762.326657, 4394115.93536
425513.746168, 4394093.33714
425287.763906, 4394048.14068
425106.978096, 4394025.54246
424858.397607, 4393776.96197
424655.013571, 4393641.37261
424361.236629, 4393709.16729
424180.450819, 4393957.74778
424293.441951, 4394748.6857
424361.236629, 4395087.65909
424519.424213, 4395268.4449
424632.415344, 4395675.21297
424609.817118, 4396014.18637
424564.620666, 4396443.55267