I am trying to highlight features when mouse interaction is triggered over a VectorTile layer.
I have followed some examples but there is no one that makes what I would like to do. The most likely is this VectorTile properties example but it only shows how to get properties. At this point, I tried different things.
First, I have seen the OL3 hover vector layer example and I tried to apply to a VectorLayer without any success.
Then, I tried to get the geometry of the feature adding it to an empty VectorLayer which every time will contain only those features under mouse position. Then I could apply a custom style to highlight these features. I added the following function:
map.on('pointermove', function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < highlightedFeatures.length; i++) {
highlightedFeatures = [];
map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(e.pixel, function(feature, layer) {
if (feature.setStyle) {
// Here I change the syle for those features that belongs
// to other type of layers (no VectorTiles)
} else {
// I get the polygons but they are very strange!
I realised about console.log(feature.getGeometry()); method is showing an object that seems having a strange coordinates arrays:
hk {
a : Array[4]
0 : 16741
1 : 28882
2 : 28553
3 : 4217
length : 4
__proto__ : Array[0]
b : Array[64]
0 : 20751
1 : 28942
2 : 22853
3 : 30064
4 : 20135
... // a lot of "coordinates"
length : 64
__proto__ : Array[0]
c : Array[1]
closure_uid_123785828 : 23488
f : Object
codi : "CF7692N9826901"
f_id : 5849
layer : "coverage"
__proto__ : Object
g : "Polygon"
__proto__ : Object
Does anyone know why the coordinates are wrong? If I add the feature I get an error. Maybe someone knows how to get Geometries of VectorTile layers in a different way.
I am using OL3 v3.17.1 and I am using srs 3857.
I guess is not important but the highlighting style referenced variables before are:
var highlightedFeatures = [],
selectStyle = new ol.style.Style({
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: '#0d47a1',
width: 12
image: new ol.style.Circle({
radius: 5.5,
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: '#0d47a1',
width: 12