I have been working with the atlas generation option in QGIS for some time and it works great! What I cannot figure out is how to incorporate the overview function into it.
Here is an example of what I want to get. I want to generate an atlas of 10 different UTM grids. One map per grid. On each map I want a zoom-in overview map to the shapefile labeled with numbers on the map. However when I move on to the next UTM grid in my atlas generator, the overview is still on the old location. Here I would like an overview map showing number 17 to 19, not 9 and 11, since they are no longer in the scope of this map.
If I make the overview map to be selected by the atlas I can only have it selected by the same UTM grid I have for my main map, which is off course not very usefull. Any thoughts on how to get this done? Feels like I should be able to do some conditional formatting on the atlas generation level.